Case study – R&D study of the influence of mechanical stresses on airgel powders

Sector: Construction

Customer type: Group

Service contact: R&D

The Customer wishes to improve its process for preparing powders airgel for applications in the building sector and called on Rheonis to study the impact of the mechanical constraints imposed by its process on its powders.

Instrumental simulation of process constraints for optimization

In response to this request, RHEONIS implemented its know-how in physical measurement techniques to simulate compressive stresses and mixed representative of the process on different grain size sections of airgel powders

The stages of the study were therefore as follows:

  1. Adjustment of instrumental protocols on powder cell
  2. Quantification of the behaviors of different particle size cuts
  3. Interpretation of results with regard to customer data
  4. Operational recommendations

Intervention System Gauge

Product & Ingredient 40%
Process & Application 40%
Measurement & Instrumentation 60%
Methods for Industry 60%

Optimize the application properties of the material/process couple

The actions fueled the Customer's thoughts and facilitated the resolution of the problem. Ways of improving the process were also outlined. The data exploitation parameters were able to be integrated by the Customer into its test procedures.

The advantages of instrumental simulation of mechanical stresses

Degradation controlled by mechanical stress in mixture

Compressibility and air permeability

Low material consumption

Interpretation of phenomena and operational conclusions

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Last Updated on February 14, 2022 by Vincent Billot