Flexible films

The manufacture and theapplication of films, particularly plastic ones, is an important industrial technical challenge, motivated in particular by the search for options that are more respectful of the environment.

The sensitivity of the films to the conditions of implementation

In addition to formulation issues, the various film forming or application processes (extrusion-blowing, coating, co-rolling, welding, etc.) pose difficulties essentially tackled by trial and error. The film-forming behavior of certain products during their drying, sometimes sought after in particular in cosmetics, relates to the same phenomena and technical-scientific issues.

RHEONIS' innovative experimental approaches make it possible to quantify physical behavior parameters representative of the implementation context.

blow molding plastic film

Accompany your challenges related to flexible films and their processes

RHEONIS puts its unique approach to Industrial Science, its techniques and experimental methods to support you in your challenges related to the development, production and application of flexible films:

Quantify the interactions between films and substrate, in particular according to thermal or compression conditions

Assess performance

Determine by laboratory approach the conditions for optimizing your processes

Determine the causes of problems, understand the influencing factors

Optimize or size processes

Would you like to discuss your issues directly with our specialists? Do not hesitate to leave us a message, we will respond within 48 hours maximum.

Last Updated on September 6, 2022 by Vincent Billot