Continuing Education

Since 2013, Rheonis has been offering intra- and inter-company, remote and face-to-face training on the themes of dynamic physical behaviors of materials, experimental and instrumental techniques and methods for their study and mastery.

Mainly oriented towards R&D professions, our training courses are also adapted to other technical professions related to these issues (industrialization, production, application, quality, methods, design, etc.).


Level of satisfaction 2022*: 4.7/5

La pace and variety of teaching methods are VERY GOOD pour 85% * some participants

La content quality is VERY GOOD pour 69% * some participants

La clarity of explanations is VERY GOOD pour 85% * some participants

La quality of exchanges is VERY GOOD pour 77% * some participants

Objectives " absolutely " reached for 70% * of participants (“More than expected” for more than 20%*)

* 2022 data for intra and inter-company training

Inter-company distance training 2024

Short video training courses for introductions to concepts related to the industrial behavior of materials, their measurement and their scientific understanding.

Face-to-face inter-company training

Face-to-face training to learn or improve the practice of rheometry.

Tailor-made intra-company training

Training courses developed specifically for the needs of your teams, carried out on your premises and on your instrumentation (in particular rheometers), on all types of materials and products.

Do you want to organize an intra-company training?

Pedagogical, administrative and disability referent: Dr. Vincent Billot-Ridet

Trainer: Dr. Nicolas Mougin

Learn more about the team

RHEONIS is registered as a training organization under number 82 38 05778 38 with the prefect of the Rhône-Alpes region.

RHEONIS has been Qualiopi certified for its continuing education activity since September 2021.

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